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Navy puts autonomous ‘swarmboats’ into action
Pew Pew Pew! US Military Developing Laser Weapons to Down Enemy Drones
Nano Breakthrough For Navy Lab; Tiny Sensors To Detect Explosives, Bio Weapons, Rotten Food
Unmanned X-47B Makes History by Landing on an Aircraft Carrier
Northrop Grumman, U.S. Navy Catapult X-47B from Carrier, marking the first catapult launch of an unmanned aircraft from a ship
Navy Researchers Look to Rotating Detonation Engines to Power the Future
U.S. Navy Produces Fuel from Seawater
Birds’ Perceptual and Maneuvering Abilities Inspire Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Navy Recruits Players for Online War Game to Tackle Energy Challenges
Futuristic Navy railgun with 220-mile range closer to reality
U.S. Navy Green: Military Investigates Biofuels to Power Its Ships and Planes
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