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Nature Nanotechnology
Stanford researchers claim major breakthrough in lithium battery design
Nanotech Breakthrough Promises Super-Accurate Handheld Bomb Detectors
“Electronic Skin” Equipped with Memory
Never say never in the nano-world
Fabricating Nanostructures with Silk Could Make Clean Rooms Green Rooms
New ‘pomegranate-inspired’ design solves problems for lithium-ion batteries
Material Could Speed Up Underwater Communications by Orders of Magnitude
How to tap the sun’s energy through heat as well as light
Electrical control of single atom magnets
All aboard the nanotrain network
Invention jet prints nanostructures with self-assembling material
Polymer Nanoreactors Create Uniform Nanocrystals
Portable device provides rapid, accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis, other bacterial infections
Nanoparticles that look and act like cells
Scientists design, control movements of molecular motor
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