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national institute of standards and technology
Simulating models of hypothetical time travel can solve experimental problems that appear impossible to solve
A new method to convert heat to electricity could be economically viable for industry
A new laser-based breathalyzer can sniff out Covid and other diseases in real time
A new material could allow AI training to happen on individual devices instead of remote servers
Could a breakthrough in the spintronics manufacturing process bring about an electronics revolution?
A new simple very low cost material to scrub CO2 for powerplant smokestacks
Growing nano-sized hydrogen storage crystals in a nanoreactor
Could real-time, noninvasive analysis of human breath to detect and monitor diseases be getting MUCH closer?
The way to pack a million qubits into a quantum computer rather than just a few thousand
A miniaturized laser cooling system brings atoms to a standstill
A new room-temperature method could significantly reduce carbon dioxide levels in fossil-fuel power plant exhaust
Getting artificial intelligence to explain itself
Connecting quantum processors at a distance just got real with a new experiment
Sidesteping one of the primary obstacles standing in the way of effective quantum logic circuits
A significant advance in the development of artificial catalysts
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