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national academy of sciences
Climate Tools Seek to Bend Nature’s Path
Ride-sharing could cut cabs’ road time by 30 percent
New Research Proves Gender Bias Extraordinarily Prevalent in STEM Careers
Mantis Shrimp Stronger than Airplanes
Synaptic transistor learns while it computes
Major step toward an Alzheimer’s vaccine
Inspiration from a porcupine’s quills
Protein injection points to muscular dystrophy treatment
Implantable Silk Optics Multi-Task in the Body
This Week’s Forecast: Sunny with a 40 Percent Chance of Flu
Barrow Scientists Discover Ways to Optimize Light Sources for Vision
Duke researchers engineer cartilage from pluripotent stem cells
Ebola antibody treatment, produced in plants, protects monkeys from lethal disease
New research moves York scientists closer to lung cancer blood test
Out-Of-This-World Nanoscience: A Computer Chip That Can Assemble Itself?
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