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Nanowire device can directly image single cells without the need for a microscope
Transparent, electrically conductive network of encapsulated silver nanowires uses 70 times less silver
Nanowires give ‘solar fuel cell’ efficiency a tenfold boost
Tiny wires could provide a big energy boost
Nanowire clothing could keep people warm — without heating everything else
Laser makes microscopes way cooler
Copper nanowires could become basis for new solar cells
Better solar cells, better LED light and vast optical possibilities
Copper shines as flexible conductor
Zero-dimensional Quantum Dots
Irish researchers’ breakthrough doubles battery life of phones, laptops and e-cars
Silver Nanowire Sensors Hold Promise for Prosthetics, Robotics
Copper Promises Cheaper, Sturdier Fuel Cells
Tiny laser breakthrough by ANU researchers shines light on faster computers
Faster and cheaper diagnoses with new method
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