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New Self-Healing Gel Makes Electronics More Flexible
Toward optical chips – thin, bright and flexible display technologies
First plant-based ‘microswimmers’ could propel drugs to the right location
Researchers figure out why gold nanoparticles can penetrate cell walls
‘Groovy’ hologram creates strange state of light at visible and invisible wavelengths
The Molecule “Scanner”
Stanford scientists break the record for thinnest light-absorber
Solar power heads in a new direction: thinner
An environmentally friendly battery made from wood
Just Add Water: How Scientists Are Using Silicon to Produce Hydrogen on Demand
30% increase in heat transfer lends itself to retrofitting thousands of power plants already in operation around the world
River Water and Salty Ocean Water Used to Generate Electricity
Carbon nanotubes used to make batteries from fabrics
New Ultra-Clean Nanowires Have Great Potential in Solar Cell Technology and Electronics
New Memory Material May Hold Data For One Billion Years
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