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A new simple very low cost material to scrub CO2 for powerplant smokestacks
A world-first antibody-drug delivery system that has the potential to fast-track potent new therapies
Can carbon dioxide be very simply converted into sustainable materials that could store hydrogen fuel?
New material can store solar energy for months or years
Using ant pheromones to catch crop pests could reduce pesticide use
Closer: An electronic nose for monitoring air quality, detecting safety threats and diagnosing diseases
A better way to scrub carbon dioxide from smokestack emissions
Using the power of sound to build next generation smart materials
It is rocket science: A new rocket fuel that is cleaner, safer and just as effective
Developing plants that can make nanomaterials
Getting drinkable water right out of the driest of desert air with no moving parts
Electronic nose detects pesticides and nerve gas and could be in your smartphone
Efficient thermal cooling and heating for components
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