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Linköping University
Electrically conductive “soil” for hydroponics can increase barley growth by 50 percent
How about growing electrodes in the brain?
Passive radiative cooling gains electronic temperature control
The first perovskite solar cell with a commercially viable lifetime can perform above industry standards for around 30 years
A nerve cell that can be integrated with a living plant and an artificial organic synapse
A sustainable system for energy storage based on cheap organic and water-based electrolytes
The roots of a plant can become electrically conducting and store energy just by watering with conjugated oligomers
Electronic paper able to display brilliant colors seems ready for commercial use
Practical semiconductor spintronics breakthrough
Solar energy storage: storing sunlight in a molecule
A cheap and eco-friendly steam generator to desalinate and purify water using sunlight
An artificial neural network can find disease-related genes
Imagine a material that can increase or decrease by 100 times when a weak electrical signal is applied
Implanting electronic devices into tobacco plants to make them drought resistant
Indoor solar cells to power the internet of things
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