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led lamp
“Quantum dot” technology may help light the future
Smart light lets you control your environment
New LED Lights Are Stopping Insects Before They Bite Us And Give Us Diseases
Controlling genes with your thoughts
Li-fi protocol allows use of the internet at the speed of light
LED lamps: less energy, more light
Shanghai Fudan University develops new Li-Fi technology
LED light bulbs can be brighter and more energy efficient than ever
Printing silver onto fibers could pave the way for flexible, wearable electronics
New Technology Inspires a Rethinking of Light
A New Ultra-Cheap LED Light Looks And Acts Like An Incandescent Bulb
More Solar Innovation: Stanford’s Peel and Stick Flexible Application
Taiwan university develops nano-carbon material for light source
LED Lighting System Imitates The Sun’s Healing Effect
WakaWaka solar led lamp aims to light up Kenyan school
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