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lawrence livermore national laboratory
Planetary defense against asteroids using nuclear deflection
The ability to separate rare earth elements efficiently using bacterial protein
Fusion Breakthrough: Do we actually have liftoff?
Growing nano-sized hydrogen storage crystals in a nanoreactor
Helping steer fusion research closer than it has ever been to its ultimate goal: A self-sustaining controlled reaction
A new environmentally friendly method improves the extraction and separation of rare earth elements including from electronic waste
Big Question: What if Just One Airborne Particle Was Enough to Infect You?
We have ignition! Reaching a major nuclear fusion milestone is a momentous step forward
An artificial photosynthesis device achieves a record-breaking 3 percent solar-to-hydrogen efficiency
Another big challenge met in the longstanding quest to achieve fusion
Promising new class of super-strong and conducting materials e.g. the world’s strongest silver
A test to detect opioid drugs in exhaled breath has been developed
Any single hair from anywhere on the human body can be used to identify a person
Recovering rare earth minerals from mining waste could lead to a sustainable supply
3D printing of live cells makes ethanol production faster, cheaper, cleaner and more efficient
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