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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A supramolecular ink technology could be a game changer for the OLED display industry
Heading for sustainable manufacturing by scaling up self-assembling nanosheets
Infinitely Recyclable Plastics
Could the solution to green heating and cooling be underground water?
A material that will make it simple and economical to recycle a wide range of batteries
A cool new method of refrigeration: Ionocaloric cooling
The ubiquitous plastic bag that blights the landscape may have finally become recyclable via a new process
Growing living macroscale modular materials from bacteria
A fully recyclable and biodegradable printed circuit
A simpler less expensive approach to solar cell manufacturing is also lead free
Could melamine big a really big help in carbon capture?
A way to generate an alternative jet fuel by harvesting an unusual carbon molecule from bacteria
Using bacteria for a totally new type of fuel that has a projected energy density even greater than rocket fuel
Accelerating CO2 capture in oceans with bacteria
New nanofactories could lead to medicines, vitamins and more being made at lower costs
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