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Sunlight, one of the planet’s most abundant sources of renewable energy, could be used to power lasers
Laser-based weed control can eliminate herbicides
Lasers and Anti-Lasers together in one device provide an exceptional range of optical capabilities
Wi-fi from lasers
Gentle cancer treatment using nanoparticles and lasers works
Lasers carve the path to overcome major limitations to tissue engineering
A new class of lasers
Chinese Scientists Develop Star Wars-Like Laser Guns
Rediscovering Spontaneous Light Emission: LEDs Could Replace Some Lasers
A new way to make laser-like beams using 250x less power
Fighting cancer with lasers and nanoballoons that pop
Anti-counterfeiting measures
Lasers could replace spark plugs in car engines
Nanoscale lasers continue to shrink, heralding new era in optical science
A Safe Approach To Nanotechnology
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