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Lancaster University
Monitoring the ongoing health of a reef using a hydrophone and artificial intelligence
Revolutionary ULTRARAM™ computer memory gets ready for mass production
Enhancing cold plasma ionised gas with peracetic acid eradicates bacteria in diabetic wounds and substantially reduces SARS-CoV-2 viral loads
Could putting honeybee hives on solar parks add millions of pounds to UK agriculture while really helping bee populations?
Opportunity to improve crop productivity by 10 to 20 percent with a new dynamic photosynthesis model
Could a new approach to environmental liability lawsuits tackle illegal wildlife trade
Ensuring bees benefit from the solar power boom
New material can store solar energy for months or years
Some reefs can still thrive with plentiful fish stocks, high fish biodiversity, and well-preserved ecosystem functions
Positive signs from the first published clinical trial for treatment of COVID-19
We know, yet another warning: Our most biodiverse ecosystems face a perfect storm
Drones show the evidence that the Greenland ice sheet is getting more unstable as it fractures
Real-time insight into wearers’ emotions provided by new smart materials
The invention of universal computer memory could solve the digital technology energy crisis
Nuclear decommissioning robots
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