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king’s college london
Restoring hand function after spinal cord injury – in rats
Personalized obesity treatments could become more than just a gut feeling over the next decade
Tissue regeneration and replica organs possible with cryogenics and a new 3D printing technique
Can avatar therapy help reduce auditory hallucinations for those with schizophrenia
Ethical challenges of genome editing
Sun cream compound offers unprecedented protection against UVA radiation
Asthma could be cured within five years after drug breakthrough
Women under-represented in academic medicine
Significant step towards blood test for Alzheimer’s
A new use for touchless technology in the operating theatre
Skin layer grown from human stem cells could replace animals in drug and cosmetics testing
University of Melboure discovers a cream that could trim fat specifically where it was applied
‘Skinsuit’ to help astronauts avoid back problems in space
Heart’s own stem cells offer hope for new treatment of heart failure
Biological tooth replacement — a step closer
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