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Joint BioEnergy Institute
Infinitely Recyclable Plastics
Accelerating CO2 capture in oceans with bacteria
Infinitely recyclable plastic called PDK is not made from petroleum and is getting ready for industrial-scale manufacturing
Infinitely recyclable plastics?
A new way of dramatically speeding up production of innovative bio-based fuels, materials, and chemicals
New discovery may ultimately make biofuels competitive with petroleum
One-Stop Shop for Cellulosic Ethanol Biofuels
Unlocking the Rice Immune System
Lab breakthrough can lead to cheaper biofuels, improved crops, and new products from plants
One-Pot to Prep Biomass for Biofuels
Making living matter programmable
Researchers Develop a New Candidate for a Cleaner, Greener and Renewable Diesel Fuel
Can Bacteria Produce “Drop-In” Biofuels?
New Advanced Biofuel Identified as an Alternative to Diesel Fuel
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