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Cheap, ultra low-power light source runs on just 0.1 Watts
Future Computers that are “Normally Off”
3D graphene structures for use in super-capacitors, through a method inspired by blown sugar, created.
Green Technology Depends on Metals with Weird Names
To Expand Offshore Power, Japan Builds Floating Windmills
Tiny ‘LEGO brick’ -style studs make solar panels a quarter more efficient
Zoomable Holograms Pave the Way for Versatile, Portable Projectors
Augmented reality glasses ‘translate foreign menus as you read’
Superconductivity to meet humanity’s greatest challenges
Maize Trade Disruption Could Have Global Ramifications
A new form of carbon: Grossly warped ‘nanographene’
Brain-Scan Lie Detectors Just Don’t Work
The formula for turning cement into metal
Methane Hydrates: The Next Natural Gas Boom?
Raging (Again) Against the Robots
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