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Making Android and iOS apps available across multiple devices
Navdy adds a HUD to any car
Transparent HeadsUP! display puts smartphone apps in your face
This Playful Robot Will Teach A 5-Year-Old To Code
Guardian device turns app-users into child-trackers
Instagram for Doctors Helps Build a Visual Medical Database
bRight: Taking human-machine interaction to the next level
How Dropbox Could Rule a Multi-Platform World
Ziphius takes drone tech to the waves
New Instagram-style App Pixelates Faces to Protect Privacy
This add-on turns your iPhone into a biometric identity scanner
New Singapore plastic film is the future of 3D on-the-go
StickNFind system uses your phone and coin-like tags to find lost items
Transcend Wi-Fi SD cards give cameras a wireless boost
“Search… Is Obsolete” Says Xyologic, As It Takes On The Mobile Apps Long Tail
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