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Integrated circuit
IBM Scientists Find New Way to Shrink Transistors
Futuristic components on silicon chips
A new kind of wood chip: collaboration could lead to biodegradable computer chips
New Technology May Immediately Double Existing Radio Frequency Data Capacity
Optical Nanoantennas Set the Stage for a NEMS Lab-on-a-Chip Revolution
Entanglement on a chip: Breakthrough promises secure communications and faster computers
New Laser Data Transmission for Computer Chips Uses Only a Fraction of the Energy
Superconducting circuits, simplified
Researchers ‘grow’ lasers in chip breakthrough
Atomically thin material opens door for integrated nanophotonic circuits
IBM Develops a New Chip That Functions Like a Brain
IBM Wants to Invent the Chips of the Future, Not Make Them
The new atomic age: building smaller, greener electronics
Researchers unveil experimental 36-core chip
Move Over, Silicon, There’s a New Circuit in Town
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