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Immune system
The immune system can fight back against Covid-19
The potential to prevent some spinal cord injuries from resulting in paralysis
A masterswitch for the body’s immune system?
Tuning up the immune system via chaos
A new mechanism to activate the immune system against cancer
Your immune system and the fountain of youth
Boosting immune system activity with a new compound that could lead to more effective cancer treatments and vaccines
The immune system reacts similarly to a high fat and high calorie diet as to a bacterial infection
Re-activating a compromised immune system to fight sepsis
Overlooked molecules could revolutionise our understanding of the immune system
New portable device counts leukocytes through the skin
Immune system ‘on switch’ breakthrough could lead to new targeted drugs
Stem Cells Provide Lasting Pain Relief in Mice
Engineers’ synthetic immune organ produces antibodies
World first as viral immunotherapy for skin cancer shows patient benefit in Phase III trial
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