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hydrogen fuel
Opening the door to entirely replace precious metals to produce hydrogen
Exciting progress toward eliminating many of the remaining bottlenecks in using hydrogen as an energy carrier
Using pure hydrogen to fuel a natural gas turbine results in zero CO2 emissions
A new nanoscale material efficiently splits seawater into oxygen and hydrogen at an industrial scale
Generating hydrogen fuel while cleaning up wastewater
Towards industrial-scale manufacturing of hydrogen as a completely renewable energy source for vehicles
Researchers leverage renewable electricity for widespread and distributed green hydrogen fuel production
Boosting hydrogen production by 25 times with a little help from: rust
Using biological enzymes as an efficient source of hydrogen fuel
A cheaper, cleaner and more sustainable way of making hydrogen fuel from water using sunlight moves closer
Creating hydrogen fuel from seawater
A cheap, effective and powerful new hydrogen fuel catalyst
Sustainable solar hydrogen production on the high seas
Combining a supercapacitor and efficient water-splitting technology into a single unit
A new way to produce hydrogen from water uses no expensive metals and absorbs a wider range of sunlight
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