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Drinking water from hot summer air
Repairing injured brain tissue in mice with a new hydrogel stem cell treatment
Could this hydrogel invention drive the ubiquitous paper towel to extinction?
The first hydrogel-based cartilage substitute that is even stronger and more durable than the real thing
Removing micropollutants from water by using soap
A fully biodegradable printed paper battery for wearable electronic systems
A major advance in regenerative medicine: A biomaterial tough enough to repair the heart, muscles, and vocal cords
A new jelly-like hydrogel material is 80 percent water yet cab be run over by a car without being damaged
A potential drug-free treatment for chronic wounds using an oxygen-delivering hydrogel
A new type of hydrogel could radically transform how we treat Parkinson’s disease
A new load-bearing material mimics human cartilage
SmartFarm device harvests air moisture at night for autonomous, self-sustaining urban farming
An electronics-free entirely soft robot shaped like a dragonfly could monitor environmental conditions
Keeping items cool with a power-free system that harnesses evaporation
Could a liquid window save up to 45 per cent of energy consumption in buildings?
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