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heart failure
The first blood test to diagnose inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) could be in use in as little as a year
Cell-reprogramming therapy for heart failure moves closer
Machine learning can help predict the risk of heart failure in diabetes patients
Heart failure patients may have a new treatment option to restore natural heartbeat
A biomarker has been found for the most common form of heart failure
A micropeptide molecule that can restore normal heart function: in mice
Deep learning computers routinely defeat their human counterparts in diagnosing heart failure, detecting various cancers and predicting their strength
Cardiotrophin 1 can repair heart damage and improve blood flow in animal models of left and right heart failure
Far more effective treatment for heart failure possible in 5 years
Improvement seen in patients treated with cimaglermin following heart failure
Hearts build new muscle with this simple protein patch
A new horizon in heart failure
Mayo Clinic Restores Disrupted Heartbeat with Regenerative Intervention
Drug Candidate Leads to Improved Endurance
Heart’s own stem cells offer hope for new treatment of heart failure
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