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Griffith University
A broad-spectrum malaria vaccine that can be freeze-dried and easily shipped
How to reduce clinical autism diagnosis of babies by two-thirds using therapy that boosts social development
Researchers have cured cervical cancer in mice using CRISPR gene-editing technology
Could the strange quantum effect of spooky action at a distance have practical applications?
Quantum mechanics can provide an unexpected advantage in modelling the big questions
Unlocking the gates to quantum computing with a quantum Fredkin gate
Carbon leads the way in clean energy hydrogen
Technology set to personalise tendon and tissue injury rehab
Crystal clear: Thousand-fold fluorescence enhancement in an all-polymer thin film
Picture this: Graphene brings 3-D holograms clearer and closer
Doing more with less: Steering a quantum path to improved internet security
Griffith scientists propose existence and interaction of parallel worlds
Breakthrough points to new drugs from nature
Robo-pets may contribute to quality of life for those with dementia
African antimalarial research bears first fruit
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