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Quantum Supremacy
The plan for quantum supremacy
The global fishing fleet is so big it can be seen from space
An important step towards the goal of building a large-scale quantum computer
The Race Is On to Control Artificial Intelligence, and Tech’s Future
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Master of Go Is Walloped by Google Computer Program
Legal breakthrough for Google’s self-driving car – same legal definition as a human driver
Google to Test Bubble-Shaped Self-Driving Cars in Silicon Valley
Google network learns to play Space Invaders in breakthrough for artificial intelligence
Facial recognition breakthrough: ‘Deep Dense’ software spots faces in images even if they’re partially hidden or UPSIDE DOWN
China Further Tightens Grip on the Internet
New search engine SciNet lets users look for relevant results faster
Artificial Intelligence: Turing, the changes
Researchers create first image-recognition software that greatly improves web searches
Can a Search Engine Make You More Creative?
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