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Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
A major advance in treating obesity
Molecular electronics start to connect with the invention of a highly conductive molecular nanowire
An algorithm that blocks a rogue microphone from correctly hearing your words, in English so far, 80 percent of the time
Using the body’s naturally occurring ions to help transmit data from implantable devices
Replacing conventional biopsies with real-time imaging within the living body
Could cooking 3D printed food with lasers become a big thing in the cooking universe?
Controlling the motion of bubbles could make mining operations more sustainable using much less energy and water
Would a robot that could smile back build trust between machines and humans?
The first hacker-resistant cloud software system
The beginning of robot to robot and perhaps robot to human empathy?
Multi-materials 3D printing process could potentially make circuit boards and even robots
Stopping the growth of the coronavirus, leading to its eradication by the human host’s immune system
Transforming global water management with an unorthodox desalination method
“One way” electronics on a single chip moves the markers on quantum computing and more
Flexible and powerful bioelectronic devices move closer
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