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florida state university
Could pine sap-based plastics be a game changer?
Could rapid and widespread depletion of oxygen in the global oceans trigger a mass extinction event?
Improved therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
World’s first online polygraph for text messaging gets it right between 85 to 100 percent of the time
It’s complicated: Climate change is a major threat to bumble bees
Research team makes Zika drug breakthrough
Chemists Pave the Way for an Activated Red Phosphorous Revolution
Researchers Pushing Limits of Efficient Solar Cells
Researchers Create Cheaper, High Performing LED
Researcher develops inexpensive material to create sustainable energy source
Study on Element Could Change Ballgame on Radioactive Waste
The Snowball Effect of Overfishing
Spider Silk Coated With Carbon Nanotubes Has Amazing Properties
A new supercapacitor technology destined to play a major role in the world’s future energy usage and storage needs
Aerospace Engineer’s Supersonic, Futuristic Flying Wing Design Wins Prestigious NASA Grant
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