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extraterrestrial life
New detector may change the game in the search for signs of extraterrestrial life
Possible signs of life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus?
Could this be a milestone on the path to detecting life on other planets?
Big boost for the chances of finding extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy
Some alternative thinking on how to detect possible extraterrestrial signals
Detecting life in space with holographic imaging
Looking for extraterrestrials: The optimistic gamble
Detecting extraterrestrial life through motion
Major synthetic life breakthrough as scientists make the first artificial enzymes
A New Approach to SETI: Targeting Alien Polluters
Hunt for extraterrestrial life gets massive methane boost
Breakthrough in search for alien life as scientists manufacture DNA-like molecule which can transmit genetic material
Robotic lake lander could explore bodies of water on other planets
City lights may aid in search for extraterrestrial life
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