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The science of walking is taking its next big step with the aid of a unique exoskeleton
Ankle exoskeletons can greatly increase walking speed
Taking the fusion of robotics and neuroscience to the next level
Exoskeleton training is safe, feasible, and effective for people with mobility deficits caused by traumatic spinal cord injury
First inexpensive ankle exoskeleton that could be worn under clothes without restricting motion
Real science has finally caught up to the science fiction of Iron Man’s transforming exoskeleton suit
Personalized exoskeletons can enhance human abilities and aid rehabilitation
The latest exoskeleton uses textile muscles: Fabric coated with electroactive material
Iron Man suits to improve workers’ jobs and help the elderley move
Human exoskeletons: Full metal jacket
Exoskeleton to ensure an active old age
Soft robot changes color as it grips and walks
A brain-computer interface for controlling an exoskeleton
To Offset Aging Workforce, Japan Turns to Robot-Worked Airports
Robo-Mate exoskeleton aims to lighten the load for industry
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