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energy conservation
Photons on a chip set new paths for secure communications
Wood Foam to Replace Plastic Insulation
LED light bulbs can be brighter and more energy efficient than ever
The application of smartphone technology to economic and environmental analysis of building energy conservation strategies
Energy-saving Greencam app is a real turn-off
New Drywall (gypsum board) can save up to 40% on energy consumption of a building
How to Overhaul the Way Buildings Use Energy
PumPing Tap concept literally ejects power cords to save energy
iPod creator switches attention to ‘smart’ thermostats
Levytator – the curvy, energy-saving escalator
New ‘Smart Window’ System With Unprecedented Performance
Smartphone Battery Life Could Dramatically Improve with New Invention
Hi-tech eco-vacuum could clean up
Intelligent street light system uses 80 percent less electricity
EnerJ system could cut computer power consumption by up to 90 percent
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