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emory university
Web-cache eviction system can save millions of dollars at each major data center
Moving molecular robotics to the next level with computerized rolling DNA motors
A vaccine delivery breakthrough using barbeque lighter technology and microneedles
The next step in influenza vaccines: A broad spectrum intranasal nanoparticle influenza vaccine
Better non-invasive diagnostics and treatments for brain diseases using the science of sound
Why do people experience an uneasy feeling in response to robots that are nearly lifelike?
A true universal Ebola vaccine?
Are reusable respirators a good alternative to disposable N95 masks?
New way to detect early-stage cancer
Using DNA to delete disease
New study opens the door to flood resistant crops
The emerging field of DNA mechanotechnology
New machine learning method can predict whether an at-risk person will later develop psychosis with 93 percent accuracy
Getting your flu vaccination via a new microneedle patch
Energy-recycling stair device makes walking up and down stairs easier
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