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ecole polytechnique federale de lausanne
Producing energy from evaporating tap or seawater with new nanoscale devices
Has glass really reached the point of becoming a ‘transparent’ light-energy harvester?
The development of more efficient alternatives to power-hungry deep learning hardware
The interface of computer science and biology: The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) promises to revolutionize medicine and healthcare
Energy generating bacteria could revolutionize both waste management and energy production
A pilot-scale solar reactor that produces usable heat and oxygen, in addition to generating hydrogen
Solving the dilemma of energy-hungry computing technology in the age of big data?
Breakthrough fiber-like pumps are a game-changer for wearable technology
Breaking barriers to ultra-fast communications with electronic metadevices
Revolutionizing neurological disorder treatment with AI-powered neural interfaces
Making solar fuels out of thin air: Harvesting water from the air for conversion into hydrogen fuel
A winged robot that can land like a bird could significantly expand the scope of robot-assisted tasks
Infrared detectors on-a-chip changes the whole spectrometer field
Living photovoltaics
A material that can learn like the brain
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