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We Can Predict When People Are Going To Die From Their “DNA Clock”
Planetary dashboard shows “Great Acceleration” in human activity since 1950
Study finds extreme temperature anomalies are warming faster than Earth’s average
World’s first man-made photosynthetic ‘leaf’ could produce oxygen for astronauts
A newly launched satellite will reveal even more about the planet’s workings than originally planned
Recycling astronaut urine for energy and drinking water
Global map to predict giant earthquakes
Fish living near the equator will not thrive in the warmer oceans of the future
Climate Engineering – What do the public think?
“Flock” of Nano Satellites to Capture High-Res Views of Whole Earth
Laser Demonstration Reveals Bright Future for Space Communication
The future of the oceans: Acid test
NASA Kepler Results Usher in a New Era of Astronomy
Krugman’s Theory of Interstellar Trade
Historic Demonstration Proves Laser Communication Possible
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