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duke university
Reparative hydrogel mimics the composition and mechanics of the brain to help severe TBI
An electronics-free entirely soft robot shaped like a dragonfly could monitor environmental conditions
Chronic inflammation can be affected by muscle exercise
Robotic systems packed with muscle tissue can produce never-seen-before agility and versatility
Dual-mode device to heat and cool buildings could cut HVAC energy use by nearly 20% in the U.S.
Getting out in front to prevent the next pandemic
Coordinating complex movements between many hundreds of robots in seconds
A new variant of COVID-19 is more transmissible but doesn’t seem to make people sicker
Rewritable lab-on-a-chip devices using sound waves get turned on
The Corona virus’s ability to change makes it likely that new human coronaviruses will arise
Found: The brain center that ‘profoundly’ shuts down pain
Microplastics can cause cellular changes in fish and may disrupt endocrine systems
Monitoring brains replaying memories in real time
Individualizing treatment for diabetes related vision loss using artificial intelligence
Using microwaves for machine vision
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