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drug delivery
Opening and closing the blood-nerve barrier for the first time to deliver drugs
A wearable patch that applies painless ultrasonic waves to the skin to deliver drugs
The first implantable drug delivery system that is triggered by external light sources of different wavelengths and not by electronics
Miniature person-shaped robots that rapidly and reversibly shift between liquid and solid states
Making injections for diabetes and cancer obsolete
A new path to a personalized and precisely targeted battle against cancer
A tiny device can locate tumor cells and force them to reveal themselves to patrolling immune cells
Opening the blood-brain barrier temporarily to deliver medication to the brain
Ice microneedle patches just melt away for painless drug delivery
Could a self-injecting pill deliver results comparable to standard injections?
Improved drug delivery for lung inflammation, through genetically engineered nanoparticles, has a promising result in mice
Nasal spray drug delivery for helping to treat Parkinson’s disease
New nanosystem doubles the therapeutic effectiveness of medications for melanoma – in animals
Micropores may provide a new way to deliver more drugs through the skin
Using light and a custom nanoparticle to regress tumors – in mice
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