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How to enable a user with no drone piloting experience to deploy an entire swarm within mere seconds
Monitoring the vital signs of animals in the wild using drones
Helping to save pollinators using satellites and drones
Training drones to fly around obstacles at high speeds
For the first time an autonomously flying quadrotor has outperformed two human pilots in a drone race
Using swarms of tiny autonomous tiny drones to find gas leaks in buildings and on industrial sites
Using drones and artificial intelligence to monitor large colonies of seabirds
New insect-sized drones have unprecedented dexterity and resilience
Drones, robots and autonomous systems can transform the natural world in and around cities for people and wildlife
Defence drones add chameleon-like capabilities
Allowing indoor drones to fly autonomously opens wide ranging uses
Using artificial intelligence and drones to conserve farmland bird nests
Artificial intelligence takes over control of drones for scanning and measuring terrain
Drones prove to be very effective tools for fruit farmers
A swarm of tiny drones that can explore unknown environments completely by themselves
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