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Dive of the RoboBee
Opening up product design to the consumer through 3D printing
Spectacular 3D Sketching System Revolutionizes Design Interaction and Collaboration
Woven Domes Create Safe, Modern Shelters For Disaster Zones
Sopcawind, a multidisciplinary tool for designing wind farms
Glasses-free 3-D projector
Real-time simulation of textiles
BI V2.0: The self-replicating 3D printer
LED light transmissive carpets to provide information, direction, inspiration and safety in offices, hotels and public buildings
Breakthrough in Low-Cost, Automated Chemotherapy Treatment Wins $20,000 Global Design Competition
3-D Printing Just Got Faster, Cheaper and Squisher
Targeting product design for the developing world
100s of Designs Sent to GE 3-D Printing Challenge
Unusual Material Expands Dramatically Under Pressure
New solar car from U-Michigan has sleek, asymmetrical design
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