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Dengue fever
New hope for low-cost Dengue diagnostics
A very potent antiviral against all known dengue variants that could also be used for prevention purposes
A new approach to fighting Dengue fever
An antibody that blocks the dengue virus – in mice
A common bacterium called Wolbachia could block replication of viruses and break the cycle of mosquito-borne disease
A new approach for controlling dengue fever and Zika virus
Dengue fever could be controlled by mosquitoes infected with virus-suppressing bacteria
Brainchild of a 14-year-old, this breakthrough app is helping avert dengue crisis in India
Simple paper strip can diagnose Ebola and other fevers within 10 minutes
Made-in-Singapore Rapid Test Kit Detects Dengue Antibodies from Saliva
The Lancet: World’s most advanced dengue vaccine candidate shows promise in phase 3 trial
Rapid detection of dengue fever: Now there’s a chip for that
Saving Crops and People with Bug Sensors – Important Subset of The Internet of Things
Indian scientists make dengue vaccine breakthrough as early trials show it creates ‘robust immunity’
Can This Patch Make You Invisible To Mosquitoes?
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