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delft university of technology
GPS not working? A new navigation system with 10 centimeter accuracy
Synthetic life? Using a chemical fuel to drive interactions in non-living materials
The promise of long-range remotely-controlled autonomous emission-free waterways vessels
Impossible no more: A one-way superconductor
Near error-free quantum computing is possible
Using swarms of tiny autonomous tiny drones to find gas leaks in buildings and on industrial sites
Transforming medicine with new research in protein sequencing
Are photosynthetic living materials the next big thing in fashion and beyond?
The first entanglement-based quantum network
Battery-free Computer: First-ever battery-free, energy-harvesting, interactive device
A backpack-like portable robot can keep people from falling
Could aquatic dead zones have a technology-based solution?
A swarm of tiny drones that can explore unknown environments completely by themselves
Bacterially-produced graphene is thinner and more stable than graphene produced chemically
Using silicon for quantum computing just got a lot more likely
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