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Cornell University
Staving off coral reef collapse via a new technique
An new open-source platform dramatically cuts the costs for running AI
Could crowdsourced fact-checking help stem the tide of misinformation?
Latest study shows that could slow Antarctic ice loss
Adding crushed volcanic rock to cropland could play a key role in removing carbon from the air
Replacing chemical processing of rare earths with metal-loving microbes
Could companion robots help socially isolated people avoid the health risks of being alone?
Bringing remote users to life in real time with a robotic proxy
Feeding the world sustainably via onshore algae farms to increase food production more than 50%
The first multistory 3D printed structure in the United States
Overcoming a major challenge faced by the semiconductor industry with a modified household microwave oven
Yes we can monitor whales with existing fiber optic cables
A biohybrid material that performs like cartilage and could help grow new tissue
Something new for citizen science: Identifying bird species by sound
Nothing comes close to the cost savings and environmental benefits of Earth Source Heat
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