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coral bleaching
Corals that withstood a severe bleaching event and were transplanted to a different reef maintained their resilient qualities
Could probiotic approaches protect corals against heat stress?
Directed evolution produces heat resistant coral to fight bleaching
Initiating a world-first cloud brightening technique to protect corals
The fight to preserve coral reefs requires local, not just global, action
World First: Undersea robot dispersed microscopic baby corals to repopulate parts of the Great Barrier Reef
Some reef-building corals primed to resist coral bleaching
Could coral bleaching in high-risk areas be prevented by a floating sun shield?
Climate-Related Death of Coral Around World Alarms Scientists
Climate engineering may save coral reefs, study shows
A glimmer of hope for corals as baby reef-builders cope with acidifying oceans
How Coral Bleaching Could Lead to Famine
Coral may be a vital ingredient in sunscreen pill
Coral Reefs Head North
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