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contact lens
A new contact lens microneedle patch to treat eye diseases
Sony files patent for contact lens that records what you see
Telescopic contact lenses and wink-control glasses
An end to the medicine dropper for eye injuries?
Vision-correcting display makes reading glasses so yesterday
The first room-temperature light detector that can sense the full infrared spectrum
Google unveils ‘smart contact lens’ to measure glucose levels
Ultra-thin and transparent sensors and circuits
iOptik augmented reality contact lens prototype to be unveiled at CES
Telescopic Contact Lens Could Improve Eyesight for the Visually Impaired
A Telescope For Your Eye: New Contact Lens Design May Improve Sight of Patients with Macular Degeneration
Innovative solar cell structure stores and supplies energy simultaneously
Korean researchers demonstrate a new class of transparent, stretchable electrodes
Imec and UGent unveil breakthrough in augmented reality contact lens
Dual-focus contact lens prototypes ordered by Pentagon
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