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Columbia Engineering
Machine learning could be a real game-changer for climate prediction
A new non-invasive way to correct vision
New invention could prevent document tampering, protect copyrights, as well as embed QR codes and other metadata without altering the look or layout of a document
Robotic spine exoskeleton could lead to new treatments for children with spine deformities such as idiopathic scoliosis and kyphosis
Sustainable solar hydrogen production on the high seas
Wireless full-duplex communications could revolutionize emerging 5G cellular networks and much more
Artificial soft robotic muscle lifts 1000 times its own weight
New inexpensive solar absorber can absorb sunlight well at all angles
World’s Thinnest Light Bulb—Graphene Gets Bright!
New Computational Technique Means Big Advances in Color 3D Printing Process
Digital Imaging Revolution: Video Camera that Runs without a Battery
New Technology May Immediately Double Existing Radio Frequency Data Capacity
Columbia engineers build biologically powered chip
Smartphone, Finger Prick, 15 Minutes, Diagnosis—Done!
Researchers Develop World’s Thinnest Electric Generator
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