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IBM Wants to Invent the Chips of the Future, Not Make Them
NTU invention allows clear photos in dim light
DARPA’s new 1.8-gigapixel camera is a super high-resolution eye in the sky
Image sensors out of a spray can
IBM integrates optics and electronics on a single chip
Radiation-Enabled Computer Chips Could Lead to Low-Cost Security Imaging Systems
Toward Achieving One Million Times Increase in Computing Efficiency
Engineers Perfecting Carbon Nanotubes for Highly Energy-Efficient Computing
New Research Could Mean Cellphones That Can See Through Walls
New diode promises to uncork optical computing bottleneck
WikiSensor app turns an iPhone into a peripheral-free radiation detector
FeTRAM memory could be faster than SRAM and more energy efficient than flash
Inside IBM’s cognitive chip
New graphene transistor created with record high-switching performance
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