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The New Atomic Age We Need – Nuclear Power
The oceans can’t take any more: researchers fear a fundamental change in the oceans
Global warming reduces wheat production markedly if no adaptation takes place
Systems crucial to stability of planet compromised
Study finds extreme temperature anomalies are warming faster than Earth’s average
Viruses take down massive algal blooms, with big implications for climate
Why global warming is taking a break
Researchers warn against abrupt stop to geoengineering method
Pacific trade winds stall global surface warming — for now
Climate Engineering – What do the public think?
Preparing for hell and high water
Latest IPCC Climate Report Puts Geoengineering in the Spotlight
Conservationists have developed a novel way of choosing perfect new homes for species struggling in changing climate
Disappearance of Coral Reefs, Drastically Altered Marine Food Web on the Horizon
Cool heads likely won’t prevail in a hotter, wetter world
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