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Climate Change
An affordable and low-risk route to net zero emissions which could stop fossil fuels from causing global warming
Is it possible that some coral reefs could keep pace with ocean warming?
A must in the war against climate change: Managed retreat
Using floodwaters to combat ongoing drought
More evidence that climate change may threaten food security for billions of people . . . and not that far in the future
Changing climate conditions have taken a toll on insects in the tropics
A satellite based alert system to help reduce deforestation and mitigate climate change
Amazonia is closer to a catastrophic ecological tipping point than any time in the last 100,000 years: Human activity is the cause
Consumers weigh in positively on support for simple funding plans for climate action even with high costs
Arctic sea ice is melting more quickly than once assumed
Will there be a rising tide of marine disease and parasites in a warming world?
If global warming is not reduced parts of the planet may experience near-unliveable conditions
Initiating a world-first cloud brightening technique to protect corals
Raising serious doubts of the likely impact of methods of cloud ‘brightening’ to counteract climate change
Could just the right dose of geoengineering reduce climate change risks?
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