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Brigham and Women’s Hospital
3D-bioprinted tissues can be frozen and stored until needed
Could a self-injecting pill deliver results comparable to standard injections?
Are patients receptive to interacting with robots designed to evaluate symptoms in a contact-free way?
Treating musculoskeletal injuries with a handheld 3D bioprinter
Using light to help break down ingestible medical devices
Developing a once-a-month oral contraceptive
Delivering insulin, therapeutics and perhaps even vaccines . . . by pill
Machine learning can help predict the risk of heart failure in diabetes patients
Can gut bacteria prevent and even reverse food allergies?
Using sensory nanoparticles to detect disease
Researchers invent a resistance-sensing injection device (needle) that knows where to go
A big move forward towards defeating glioblastoma
Home-based hypertension program helped 81 percent of participants achieve blood pressure control in seven weeks
A nanoscale arthritis treatment could administer drugs directly to cartilage potentially healing damaged tissue
Detecting HIV with new cellphone technology
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