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australian national university
Repairing injured brain tissue in mice with a new hydrogel stem cell treatment
Meta-Optics: The disruptive technology set to bring the stuff of science-fiction stories into everyday devices
A natural form of infection control: Open Air Factor?
A first step towards genuine plastic recycling?
A supplement capable of administering the health benefits of exercise to patients incapable of physical activity: Exercise in a pill?
Opportunity to improve crop productivity by 10 to 20 percent with a new dynamic photosynthesis model
A new type of hydrogel could radically transform how we treat Parkinson’s disease
A new thin-film technology that allows people to see clearly in the dark could revolutionize night-vision
Vehicles that can propel themselves along the water and self-navigate around any object in their path could soon be a reality
Next-generation transparent electronics
Making diamonds at room temperature in a laboratory in mere minutes
Major improvements in crop production by ramping up photosynthesis?
Acoustic waves on microchips opens the door to a low-heat, low-energy fast internet
Future food shortages need our attention now
How about a new material that mimics skin, ligaments and bone, is very strong, self-healing and able to change shape?
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