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animal testing
The ability to directly measure the biological impact of dangerous nanoparticles without animal testing
Another incremental step towards the replacement of animal testing
A new method may significantly reduce the use of animal testing in the vaccine industry
A new method of testing vaccine safety without using animals
New test method predicts allergenic potency of chemicals without animal testing
The concept of organs on a chip opens the possibility of realistically studying human organs without the use of patients or animal testing
Replacement for Animal Testing? Artificial lung the size of a sugar cube
Bone marrow-on-a-chip unveiled – no animal testing needed
Skin layer grown from human stem cells could replace animals in drug and cosmetics testing
‘3D’ test could reduce reliance on animals for testing asthma and allergy medications
Faster testing of new pharmaceuticals
An end to animal testing for mascara irritation
Computer-aided Models Replace Animal Testing
Robot Allows High-Speed Testing of Chemicals
Cell-Based Alternative to Animal Testing?
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