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american heart association
‘Virtual reality hands’ may help stroke survivors recover hand function
In mild strokes, ultra-early treatment may eliminate risk of disability
Your eyes may hold clues to stroke risk
Studies Suggest New Key to “Switching Off” Hypertension
Robot-Delivered Speech and Physical Therapy a Success in UMass Amherst Test
New FDA-Approved Clot Removal Devices Show Promise for Treating Stroke Patients
Stem cell “homing” signal may help treat heart failure patients
Gene therapy reprograms scar tissue in damaged hearts into healthy heart muscle
Radio waves to kidneys lower persistent high blood pressure
New device could allow your heartbeat to power pacemaker
Smartphone Technology Acceptable for Telemedicine
Aging heart cells rejuvenated by modified stem cells
Nanoparticles Plus Adult Stem Cells Demolish Plaque in Arteries
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