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american association for the advancement of science
Personalized exoskeletons can enhance human abilities and aid rehabilitation
Ultrasound and microbubbles completely heal broken bones in pigs within eight weeks of treatment
Transforming infrared into visible light cheaply and efficiently
Scientists at a US science conference have said it is now time to actively try to contact intelligent life on other worlds
Lens-free microscope can detect cancer at the cellular level
Deep ocean needs policy, stewardship where it never existed
Wavier jet stream ‘may drive weather shift’
Using crowdsourcing to solve complex problems
Biodiverse agriculture as part of a food-secure future
Scientists develop drug that might be next best hope against malaria
The quest for a better bionic hand
The Intersection Of The Future Will Have No Stoplights
Spent Nuclear Fuel Is Anything but Waste
Molecules Self-assemble To Provide New Therapeutic Treatments
Co-location could make algae biofuels affordable
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